My life. My adventure.

Posts tagged “Jesus

Physical Pain

Physical pain to us is a punch in the stomach or a thorn in our foot. What Jesus went through gave a whole new meaning to the word pain. Jesus whipped with leather that had glass and rocks sewn into it. He was forced to wear a crown of thorns that went deeper in his head with every step he took. He was so weak and in so much pain that he wasn’t able to carry roughly a 60 pound cross for more than a few minutes until he collapsed. Jesus knew the meaning of pain very well. I know this doesn’t even come close to the pain that Jesus went through but every day at about 6 o clock, I will go for a walk barefoot. But the thing is, I’m on vacation in south Carolina and their roads are first cemented and then they put rocks and small bits of broken glass down so the cars have better traction. Not to mention the road is Burning hot from the 100 degree heat. I’ve come home from a walk with my feet bleeding with blood blisters from the burning pavement. But I refuse to walk any faster than I normally would. I walk a mile or two with intense pain on my feet. Who cares if my feet bleed? Who cares if I hurt for a few days? And the truth is, I don’t feel a thing the entire walk. The whole time I’m walking, I’m either praying, worshiping to music, texting a friend about God, or just thinking about my life. Jesus went through more pain than anyone could imagine. The least I can do is go for a painful walk every night. It won’t kill me. So I don’t see why I shouldn’t do it. I Know it probably doesn’t make sense but its pretty much my way of saying Jesus, thank you so much. Thank you for dying on the cross for me. Thank you for taking all the sins of the world away. Just thank you. I love you Jesus.